Wednesday, December 22, 2010


This isn't my first personal blog and it probably won't be my last. Sometimes, it's just easier to write out all my thoughts. I'll go from my emotions [though those are hard to share in general] to ideas running through my head.

I'll start with a little bit about myself. I'm a 22 years old and coming up upon my final semester of my undergraduate degree. And it's scary as all heck. I guess that would be the biggest thing on my mind right now. I have the world at my finger tips and I don't have a clue as to what I need to do with it.

Magically, what I want to do with the rest of my life has not actually come to mind yet. And it was such a relief last night when a friend's mom told me that surprisingly enough, it doesn't happen that way. While I figured as much, it's nice to hear something like that from someone who has gone through it all. It makes me seem slightly less crazy.

I currently have an internship which is actually pretty awesome. And I got very lucky when it actually came to getting it. I won't really go into it cause... I had to sign forms and stuff *cough*. But I'll just say that it's actually really awesome and I'm super excited for it.

I'm not quite a nerd, more so a dork. Nerd implies that I'm smart... Which I'd say I'm just above average [as my school grades reflect]. However, I have this way of making myself seem a lot smarter than I actually am. Many people who know me through classes seem to be under the impression that I'm some straight A obsessive student... Very far from the truth actually. If you asked the people I live with, they would tell you that they have no idea how I even manage my average grades. I probably would get A's if I applied myself a little more.

I'm also a Harry Potter fanatic. There is no light way to put it. Any and everything can and will relate back to Harry Potter. I have a small collection of HP paraphernalia ranging from the sides books to a collection of Hogwarts house bookmarks. I've actually drawn back on this obsession but let's put it this way, there isn't a year when I don't have something HP related in my Christmas list.

I'm also a bit of a collector. One thing that is easy to ask for when friends go on their adventures is a pressed penny. I have them from all over and always appreciate getting them. And while that seems like a normal thing to collect, I do collect a not so normal thing.... Clocks. I'm just... fascinated by them. I have at least 6-7 in my collection at this point. Yes, they all tick and they all are running. And I can fall asleep with them all ticking though I'm usually listening to TV or HP...

I'm kind of tired at this point of talking about myself. Maybe I'll post some more soon, maybe not. Maybe I'll put out some of the ideas I have for short story fanfiction, maybe not. It's kind of how I roll.

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