Monday, December 27, 2010


I've decided that each post is going to be titled with one word. One word that will kind of sum up everything in the post. And today's word is blah.

My current physical condition can be summed up with that word. My throat is killing me. It's hard to swallow and no amount of cough drops will help. That's not to mention my muscles. I'll definitely be feeling the work out that I had with the snow tomorrow. I'm hoping I won't come down with something but who knows. Even my body can't handle everything... Though it does put up a good fight.

As for my emotional condition, I'm over being home. I love my family and all but sometimes... Everything is all sorts of overwhelming. Mostly because I have to balance work and home.

My part time job has basically become my life while I'm home and that is incredibly sad. It's honestly not worth the stress I go through every time I go in. But if I don't go, then there is no money coming in. If no money is coming in, then I can't pay for things like college and my apartment. Of course, I could try and get a different job but that's even more stress right now. And it hopefully wouldn't be for long anyway.

That's all for now. I'm too tired to care about much right now. Blah.

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