Sunday, July 31, 2011


So I kind of have an obsessive personality. Don't worry, it usually is not in relation to people and I'm pretty sure I'd never be in a state of mind where stalking is ok. I just get into these... grooves. I find something I like and I'm kind of focused on it for any amount of time. And the amount of time varies. Like for most of college, I've been obsessed with Twilight fanfiction.  This focus has been slowly dwindling down in the past few months. I'm kind of feeling a reemergence of Harry Potter.

Right now, I kind of have three obsessions: "Last Friday Night" [parody] by Dave Days, skin products, and Doctor Who.

Song obsessions are constantly rotating for me. Usually, I have a new song every week that I listen to and I don't listen to much else. This parody has been on my mind for about 2-3 weeks now and a constant ok-to-play song and was only briefly interrupted by Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" [which may interrupt again now that I think about it].

For me, the appearance of my skin has always been an issue. My face is kind of oily and while acne has never been as big a problem for me as it has been for my brothers, it is still bad. Of course because I'm a girl, I obsess about my appearance much more than they did. Because whether we like it or not, appearance matters.

Right now I've been looking up homemade products like scrubs and facial masks. My mom cooks and bakes, so we always have a lot of the stuff normal household products used in these products. I haven't tried much of the actual making except for the lip scrub. I'm probably going to make a little homemade skin product recipe book. There are lots of good sites out there for recipes.

In the ways of beautifying products, I've also kind of become obsessed with makeup. Specifically eye shadow and nail polish. I don't really wear much makeup because... Well, where am I going to wear it? I don't really go out or anything. But when I do put on something, it's usually eye products. I love eye shadow and all the sorts of things you can do with it. I just wish I had to occasion to use it. I think it would be weird if I was suddenly wearing dramatic eye makeup for no reason.

I've also been watching youtube videos on how to do makeup and it's really fun to learn all this stuff.

And by watching youtube, I've found out about this really fun looking membership. It's called BirchBox and it is a program where you pay $10 a month to get 4-5 fancy samples of products shipped to your house. I haven't joined yet but I'm seriously considering it. Even if I just started out with just doing the pay by month plan.

Anyway... there is my last obsession. Doctor Who. I've been watching the show for a while now, having been hooked by my one friend [who is even more obsessive about things than I am]. I started with series 5 and love it. It was part of the reason why I wanted to get Amazon Prime. I could watch Doctor Who whenever I want [well, have my computer and internet] and could go back to all the series I hadn't seen. And so I went through all the reboot series and I'm thinking about going back to the original series at some point. It's funny. It's quirky. And it's British.

Of course, at this point, Christopher Eccleston is my favorite Doctor. While I do love David Tennant and Matt Smith, I feel like Eccleston is the most under appreciated Doctor. I think he truly did a great job and wish he had been the Doctor for a little while longer.

Of course, I've had previous obsessions. Harry Potter fanfiction played a large role in my life from about 7th through 12th grade. Harry Potter in general has been pretty consistent with my life and still one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Of course, I'm kind of obsessed with Starbucks because I love making yummy drinks. But I'm not turned off by a McDonald's mango pineapple smoothie. <3

Anyway, that's kind of all I have to say.

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