Sunday, April 17, 2011


It hates me in these past few weeks. My hard drive died (and with nothing backed up of course) and Virgin Mobile has got to be the worst company ever. Is it sad that I've cried over technology quite a few times in the past month? I think it is.

But I'll start from the beginning. So, one night, I'm on my computer and it completely freezes up. I'm kind of worried and I can't do anything other than shut it off manually [holding the power button]. I go to turn it back on. The Toshiba screen comes up, then the screen with the blinky line... Then nothing. I decide to turn it off again and it shuts down as soon as I press the button. Probably my first sign of something ominous. I turn it on again and nothing happens.

So for some reason, I think "Well, maybe if I left recharge for the night, it will be better in the morning." I go to bed.

I try my computer again the next morning. Nothing is happening. I call the tech department at school. I explain my problem and they say if it has to do with the harddrive, they can't do anything but they'll look at it... But that my problem is most likely a harddrive one. Before I bring in my laptop is my first bout of tears.

My second bout of tears comes 2 days later when they tell me my hard drive is dead. Kaput. Done. I have a few things saved through e-mails but the majority of my work is gone and there is no way to save it. Thankfully, my computer was still under warranty.

So I call Toshiba and have to go through the painful process of trying to get my computer working with them [because you can't trust a bunch of nerd kids at a college apparently]. The CSR [customer service representative for those who don't know] basically tells me the same thing. Dead. We go through the roundabout process of getting my computer to their special repair depot. After this call, cue the third bout of tears.

So I send my laptop off to get a new hard drive. Thankfully, a friend lent me her netbook to use [though I must say, I think I find them incredibly annoying].

And while my laptop is away, Virgin Mobile decides to be a pain in my rumpus. So remember that phone I order back in February? Well, by March I had given up on it coming so I made a call on March 8th and got it canceled... Or so I thought. Either way, paypal expired the transaction after March 14th. I just bought the damn phone at a Radio Shack.

So imagine my surprise when I receive an e-mail from VM about how my order has been shipped out... WHAT?! First off, they have not received payment for this order. What kind of company ships out a product without payment? Anyway, I try contacting VM, which is hard to do via internet if you don't have a proper laptop. I can't even truly relay what exactly happened but I can tell you this:

1. My phone service was disconnected because they hadn't received payment for the phone
2. Fed Ex did not have me sign for the $160 package like they should have [anyone could have taken it and many people pass my door]
3. I ended up paying $6 out of pocket to ship it back.
4. All I got was $12 towards my next month's phone bill [and if you take out what I spent for shipping, it was really only $6]

Honestly, if it wasn't for the cheap plan, I would drop VM so fast. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get a real plan with a real company for a while... Because karma hasn't completely killed me yet. I've almost got my own car... But that's a story for another day.

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