Wednesday, April 27, 2011

what's in a major?

Ok, for some people, job searching is incredibly easy. And you want to know why? Because their degree dictates it. Like if you go to college and get a teaching degree [I know there is more to it than just that but bare with me] but you know what you are kind of going to do. You'll be teaching children of whatever age bracket/grade levels you are approved to teach. While there are other things you could do [tutoring or being a nanny], the focus is still on the teaching.

When you are a marketing/business major, there are literally thousands of options from which you can select. Which is kind of what I wanted when I first decide on the degree... But in a way, it's also bad. Because I'm indecisive. Especially with the unknown.

It's interesting because I almost went for a degree in psychology. I really like to see the way peoples' minds work and all their issues. But I thought it would be too limiting since then you have to work with people with issues for the most part. Again, I'm simplifying a bit but that's how my mind works sometimes. And would require me almost automatically to go the grad school after the fact. And psychology does kind of tie in with marketing,,,

I went to college undeclared. If I was less socially awkward, I would have spent my first year or two at the local community college. I would have gotten the basic crap done and over with and then gone to a "away from home" college [for lack of a better way to put it]. But I am socially awkward and weird. So I went away to college regardless of my undeclaredness.

Anyway, being undeclared was enlightening but still didn't help me decide what I wanted to do in life. I figured business administration/marketing was vague enough to work. And now it's biting me in the rump. Not to say I don't love marketing or anything but there are so many directions I can go with this...

A game plan is a nice thing to have when deciding on a major. Just sayin'...

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