Friday, September 2, 2011

Comments and Commentary: HP and the Sorcerer's Stone Ch. 1

And so my comments and commentary begins. These updates will be sporadic because I don't type my comments and commentary, I hand write them. Thus, it will take me a little longer to get all my thoughts down. These will be broken down according to chapter. I'll also be keeping track of certain things. Right now, I'm going to be keeping track of how many times the word "scar" is used and also how many times the phrase "your mother's eyes" appears. Oh, and I'm also making a timeline! A strictly, you figure it out by the books time line.

If I really feel up to it, I may show you pictures of some of the doodles I do while I'm reading... And probably in the next update, I'll show you how loved my copy of S.S. is... 

Also, my style is bullet. Honestly, it may be best to either know the Harry Potter books really well or have the audio recording going on in the background...

Chapter 1: The Boy Who Lived
  • I wonder if Grunnings is a real firm that sells drills
  • I'm curious as to how long Mrs. Dursley and Mrs. Potter haven't seen each other. I mean, Lily is 21 and Petunia is 23-24. And there must have been some means of communication between the two because Petunia and Vernon know about Harry. But Mr. and Mrs Evans must be dead at this point. And if they were the go-between for the two sisters, that means they must have died sometime in the last year as well...
  • I can't imagine Uncle Vernon having any ties that are remotely more interesting than any of the other ties.
  • Is this a relatively small town? Because I see people dressed strangely in a lot of random places in my small town... And shouldn't the cloaks be kind of a clue
  • Hope those shouting phone calls weren't to clients...
  • No, instead of having a strange sister, he has a bitch of a sister instead
  • That little old man has such a disregard for the Statues of Secrecy [regardless of the reason]
  • Oh strange cats lurking on corners
  • Her crowd... I guess to muggles, witches and wizards are like foreigners
  • Cause Dumbledore is a ninja like that
  • I didn't realize that Privet Drive was a communist faction
  • disregarding stiffness, you'd think that Dumbledore would have seen McGonagall in her animagus form by now...
  • How do you pass feasts and parties when you apparate? Unless the travel portion is similar to Floo powder
  • Our first mentioning of Daedalus Diggle! [I think he's only mentioned maybe 2-4 more times in the series]
  • Mmmmm, now I want a lemon drop... or candy
  • Oh the secrecy that is behind You-Know-Who or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named... But I can see why Dumbledore would get confused...
  • Damn straight, Voldy Lord Voldemort should be scared of Dumbledore [who is in denial of his own power for reasons that will not be revealed... until 6 books from now]
  • In the case of Dumbledore, he can guess with very high accuracy
  • I adore Hagrid but he really is a bi-polar man when it comes to keeping secrets. I don't blame Dr. McG McGonagall for being skeptical.
  • Dumbledore can explain everything in a letter. Even his own life.
  • Baby dolphins? What a strange comparision to feet
  • SIRIUS! <3 Though I'm surprised that Dumbledore doesn't react to the information that Sirius was at the Potter's house
  • I still wonder about the mysterious October 31st-November 1st time gap...
  • And did Harry stay in Hagrid's mystery coat during the flying motorcycle journey?
  • *attempts to draw lighting bolts*
  • Strange things happen in those kids of scars...
  • The child they used in the movie looked a little too young to be a one year old... I mean, at that points kids can crawl and even walk!
  • Of course, McGonagall is worried about muggles and not about waking Harry...
  • Does Hagrid put the bike in storage or something? O.o
  • This whole leaving a child in a bundle of blankets on a door step seems a little cliche now that I'm thinking about it.

Chapter 2 will be posted soon!

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