Friday, September 9, 2011

Randomly randomness

I have been slowly working on my HP comments and commentary... I'm a few pages into chapter 6. But I have reasoning as to why I haven't been working towards my goal...

I FINALLY GOT INTO POTTERMORE! I was all kinds of psyched and may have... completed the first part in 3 or so hours... But I'm not really going to spoil any of Pottermore for the rest of you. I'll just say some is good and some could be better.

Also, I'm on le tumblr. And I've been doing some things on there. I've gotten into the habit of asking random questions lately that are open for anyone to answer. My most recent question is about The Hunger Games v.s. Battle Royale... Mostly because EW compared the two and while they are similar, the level of violence and graphic-ness didn't appear to be even close to the same to me [though I have only read one manga of Battle Royale and have not read The Hunger Games].

So.... I'm going to get back to Pottermore right now... I'll work on more comments and commentary tomorrow.

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