Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Interview 1

I guess I haven't mentioned how nervous I get before interviews. I don't care if it is for an position like a CEO or a job flipping burgers at a fast food restaurant. I get nervous.

What doesn't help is waiting in a waiting room for close to 20 minutes. And I get that sometimes places get backed up. From the sounds of it, they are looking for a person for the position I applied for quickly. They were doing a ton of interviews today [I estimated about 28 people would be interviewed today] and the whole process is 3 parts. For the first part of the interview, it is a pre-screening interview. The interviewer talks to you for a few minutes and asks you a few questions. Here are a few questions I got today:

What can you tell me about you? How would you describe yourself?
What do you know about our company?
What do you think are good qualities in a leader?
Would you be able to take on a leadership role?
Do you have any questions for me about the company?

While I don't know if I'll get the second interview [I'll find out by the end of today], he did explain what would happen should I get it. Basically, I would be me spending a day with a professional trainer within the company. So I would be there from 9-5 and then came the second part that they were looking to hire quickly: the second part of the interview would take place tomorrow or Thursday.

Craziness. I don't know how I feel about that. I don't think it is bad but it is very fast and makes me worry about how fast my training for the position would go. It's a very fast paced world and that can be all sorts of intimidating. But I guess I'll handle that if I get the second interview.

I have another interview tomorrow [the interviewer just called me as a reminder]. Not sure how I feel about this job but I don't want to make any snap judgments. I guess you'll see how that goes tomorrow.

Edit: I'm thinking I didn't get the second interview. It's 6:12 PM, the place is open 9-5 and I can't imagine they would spend that much time going through the candidates.

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