Friday, August 26, 2011

And then there is that hurricane...

So, I happen to live in the area where Hurricane Irene is going to hit at one point [Sunday for us apparently]. We were suppose to go to Long Island this weekend to celebrate the grandmother's 90th birthday but that has since been nixed. My aunt [who was the one throwing the party] is quite upset about this. And rightfully so because she invited a lot of family and it was suppose to be a really big deal.

Either way, no traveling for this family. But with every [kind of*] up, there is always a downside. I work in a grocery store... And when big weather things are suppose to happen... People kind of freak out. And read "kind of" as "majorly." So basically, I was harassed by my bosses all day about whether or not I would be able to work tomorrow. But I didn't know what the plans for tomorrow were [this was before my mom confirmed that the party was canceled].

And I hate randomly going into work. I hate not having notice to these things. Just today, I stayed an extra hour and then some to help up front. I don't like working front end anymore and when I have to work front end, I like to be mentally prepared for it. This usually means 48+ hours notice. Especially when working up front because it is such a draining process.

Working the front end of any store is probably some of the most emotionally and mentally draining work there is to be found. You have to constantly be on show for customers and your bosses [because they are usually the bosses not just of your department, but the entire store]. People aren't afraid to bitch to you about how your store sucks and how we didn't have such and such a product. As if the cashier can solve all of your problems. And if they are really irritated, they'll tell you how slow you are or that you're doing everything wrong.

That's not to say that I can't handle sudden changes or things not working out perfectly. It's just the preparation needed for a front end shift includes getting well rested the night before and mentally preparing myself to be berated and dealing with irritated people. Because nothing annoys people more than waiting in lines when some sort of epic storm is about to hit.


P.S. If I end up working tomorrow, I think I'm going to treat myself to something nice for my birthday [which is coming up]. I don't know what yet but we'll see...

P.S.S. I'm going to work. I have an idea on what I want but we'll see if I get it...

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