Friday, August 19, 2011


As I mentioned in my obsess post, I've really gotten into make up at this point in my life. And I'm still looking at videos about Birchbox. Actually, right at this point, I'm watching one with a guy going through the box.

It is quite interesting to see him go through it all. He's a little more focused on price point than all the girls I've seen do Birchbox videos. He has only done two videos on the boxes so far but honestly, I can't tell if he is really interested in the products or not. Some are more unisex than others but that's not to say a guy can't like nail polish. But then again, I guess you should know what you are getting into when you sign up.

Anyway, why I'm really wanting to talk about in this post.... They have an intern position open. I've considered sending in my resume but... I just. I guess It's kind of anxiety over sending out my resume. Especially when rejection can kind of hurt. Even if you don't hear a response back... I'm not the kind of person who can just forget about it.

But then there is the counter to that... I'd get a call asking for an interview. I'd do the interview. And I get the internship... Except they are located in NYC. So going up there to interview alone would be a distance to go for an interview. And if I were to get the job, I'd either have to move up there and find a place I could afford... Which is highly improbable. Or I would have to stay with some of my NY family. Which would be awkward since I really don't know them all that well. I mean, I could commute but that would be really long and probably more costly to do. And I doubt they'd cover my travel expenses.

This is just one of many times where I've had a constant war with myself over whether or not to do something. My mom says that I'm a lot like my father in that respect. That I overthink things and I just need to do it. Well, she doesn't understand that the overthinking thing isn't something I can turn on and off. If I do it, I just mentioned the scenarios that could happen. But then again, if I don't do it, this could be one of those nasty "What would have happened if I did...."

-sigh- Well, at least this video makes me happy.

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