Thursday, December 8, 2011

Job hunting still definitely sucks...

Yes, I'm still kind of, vaguely looking for a job. It is still tough... Mostly because I don't like writing cover letters.

Cover letters are the hardest part about applying for a job [at least to me]. It's essentially explaining to the person in charge of hiring [generally someone in the HR department] that they should hire you for x-y-z reasons. But not only that, you have to be super creative and interesting about it. You have to make yourself stand out from who knows how many other people applying for the one job.

Why am I bad at writing cover letters? I have never been good at describing myself [without being a bit self-depreciating]. I have never been good about talking about myself or my abilities in general. Where as a resume is pretty impersonal and just lists things, a cover letter is a way to show off how you'll fit into that office's dynamic. It's like saying "I WILL TOTALLY FIT IN AND I'M AMAZING" kind of letter. In fact, it is almost like writing a letter to the cool kids and trying to explain to them why you should be in their group.

And it's nerve wracking. Because when you get a response back, it could be dependent upon your work, your personality. It's hard to handle.

It's kind of why I prefer in-person meetings like at a job fair. While it's probably a really good idea to have a cover letter [even if it is generic], the person can get a better idea of your personality based on that initial meeting than from a letter. I also feel like I can screw up a little bit less if I'm talking to a person as oppose to writing to a person.

On a different topic, I've come up with a name for what I have been doing: freelance interning. I basically do whatever internships I can get in order to gain experience in the field... Though I don't really know how well it's really working. I'm looking towards finding an internship in a more office-y setting at this point. Maybe with stable hours and if I'm lucky, pay. Though at this point, experience is the important part... Which is a whole different post all together.

Either way, that's kind of the update on the job front...

Also just wanted to point out this article about a woman with whom [I apologize to any grammar Nazis if that is wrong] I did a small 3-4 week internship. I worked with YIP and helped out as the intern for their State of Young Philly event.


Oh and expect a Julep Maven post in the next few days. ^_^

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